Friday, June 09, 2006

Sketch o' the Day ~ Fracture

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Finish

Bad habits die hard.


dpaste said...

Very cool looking.

Anonymous said...

Superb! I think this will make an excellent desktop.

Hope you're doing well. It's just nice knowing you're still out there. Whatever the case, thanks. :)

Michael The Shadow said...

As alwasy, it's a great picture but please tell me that the "old habits die hard" has nothing to do with the title. No getting hurt ya hear? (this message from a Jewish Mother trapped in a white goy's body)

Sharon said...

Very painful! What a great sketch.

Larry said...

I love this one!!

Kiwi said...

I wish you could get the same intensity from the paint in real life that you can from the colors on the glowing screen. It's never quite the same!

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