Monday, November 21, 2005

Just Sick

Greetings. It's late.

Of the last 48 hours I've been at work for 36 of them and slept about 3. I'm starting to smell bad and I need a shower. It's hard to breathe. I've got projectile mucus of varying shades. I'm eating Taco Bell right now because I feel like crap already so what the hell. One of my sons is a liar and the other is a vandal. I'm behind on my deadlines. I realize that I talk to myself quite a lot nowadays. And my poop is blue. Blue I tell you.

But really I'm fine. How are you?



Rebecca said...

Oh good. Other than the ingestion of toxic hell, the monkey boys being-well- monkeys, work sucking, showers being a thing of the past, and blue waste... You are fine? Wow.

Sounds like things are perky perky perky.

Go home, sleep. Screw the deadlines. Hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Lawd... sounds like you're going alien on us. Or something.

Get some sleep now. Sleeep. Ahhhh :)

Anonymous said...

so whats wrong with having blue poop?

Tuna Girl said...

So, I've read that it is a well-researched fact that children who lie tend to be very smart. And the younger they start lying, the smarter they are.

I take solace in that fact. Because my little girl, who is the sweetest and bestest little girl ever (right?) deserves an Oscar for some of the lies she tells.