Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now...

Apparently, people have these things called vacations wherein rest is paramount and work somehow flickers off into the distance. Hypothetically, if I was to take one of these mythical endeavors, say sometime around the last week of September... where would I go?

a. Austin (The ACL Music Festival looks like a hell of a thing...)
b. Washington DC (SPX sounds like fun, plus there's dinosaur bones nearby...)
c. San Francisco (Because it's a land far, far away, plus it seems that Duncan is playing there that week...)
d. Boston (My mom grew up there and I hear that leaves actually CHANGE COLOR in the fall...)
e. Atlanta (Keep it close to home and visit my sistah...)
f. Las Vegas (Because it's the place that's furthest away from anywhere I would intentionally go...)
g. Insert other place here that is not Florida. (I'm so open to suggestions that it hurts...)
h. Just stay home and save the cash for something more worthwhile.

Is it sad that I'm not kidding about the last one?

I'd put Tokyo on the list but alas, it seems it requires more money than god to get there and back again. I'm not interested in going to New York by myself. I don't like the cold, I've never seen snow but I think I can get by with pictures. And camping. That's just right out.

So, I dunno. This is all of contingent upon if I still have a brain left after August is through. I'm also taking applications for any kind souls *wink wink* who'd like to put up (with) a wandering blogger for a few days or so. I'm good at being invisible... :P



Anonymous said...

I have a soft spot for DC: it's the place I had the most money stolen from me.

Seriously: come on, dinosaur bones! I found lots of interesting things to do in DC. Compare with Boston, which is only two hours away from me, and yet I never find a reason to go to.

Patrick said...


...and bring the monkeys. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh by all means - do NOT stay here. Spend the $$, be good to yourself and go somewhere real! You know my vote is SF with Atlanta a close second. Let me know if you need travel info —I'll take care o' you.

Anonymous said...

well as much as i'd love to have you come visit, i don't like atlanta so much. or i should say - i don't like driving in atlanta. you should go to new york man! that's the place to be. and let me know so i can come with you! ; )

raven said...

I'm partial to agreeing with sistah as nyc being the place to be, but I'm also a sucker for dinosaur bones and that type of stuff. Plus if you go to the SPX conference I'm sure you write-off portions of the trip in april as business related ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ok, Ok... since you practically begged... Yes, I'll go to NYC with you. When does the plane depart?

Anonymous said...

Wherever you go, you should really consider taking me along with you.

Evan said...

No, don't listen to Jon! Come to Boston (or if you go to NYC, tell me when...I can get there for 15 bucks on the Fung Wah bus).

Anonymous said...

And then there's always here in Denver; my door is always open! And oh... we've got some dinosaur bones nearby as well!

hbjock said...

You could always go a little further and visit Hawai'i =)